How to Gain More Self-Awareness to Create More Happiness

BLOG How to Gain More Self-Awareness to Create More Happiness

If you don’t know where you are currently standing, you can not know how to get to where you wish to go. Self-awareness is our biggest asset and needs to be treated as such. If you are self-aware, the benefits are endless. Imagine being able to clearly communicate your boundaries or what brings you the most joy. Imagine being able to create the life you truly want to be living. Imagine what kind of people you wish to have your life and start attracting them effortlessly. Here are some of the things you need to know about the phenomenon of self-awareness and how you can start implementing some tools to start creating the life you want.

First off: 

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” - Socrates

Assess your current situation

Just like a GPS System, you can not get anywhere if you don’t know your current location. It is absolutely necessary to start an assessment if you are starting to feel unhappy and frustrated. As human beings we take action for 2 reasons: 

  1. To avoid pain 

  2. To move towards pleasure

A lot of times we want to change something because the current situation doesn’t make us happy. Yet, rarely do we take the time to really narrow down what truly makes us happy and what happiness actually means to us. 

Start small, every big journey starts with one single small step. The importance is to keep moving and let procrastination hit you again. 

Start by implementing daily questions to ask yourself. There are amazing journals such as the Daily Greatness to help you evaluate your days. Another effective way to start implementing and being held accountable is by working with me. It actually all comes down to setting priorities and reflecting on your day. 

Once you have implemented that routine, you will start noticing some tiny shifts and more awareness in your daily life. This is because you have been consistent. Consistency starts to form new pathways in your brain that are going to lead you organically to your happy place. 

Start painting a bigger picture 

paint a bigger picture

Having taken the step of creating a daily routine of self-awareness is going to set a great basis to start painting a bigger picture. Where in life are you standing and where do you wish to go? 

Human beings are programmed for evolution, it is in our DNA. Without evolution, we wouldn’t even be able to communicate the way that we do. Yet, the evaluation that we have been through in the past decades has been really rapid. So quick that we started to be too distracted with everything. We forgot to really sit down with ourselves and connect with what it is that we actually want. 

Once you have implemented your daily assessments, you can start going deeper. There are exercises such as the Wheel of Life or programs such as Lifebook, that support our Life vision. 

Our life is multidimensional just as we are. It comprises different areas of life such as relationships, spirituality, money, career, health, and more. 

The Wheel of Life is a good way to start off right away. You can either take a template such as this one or you can draw your own and insert your own categories. Just make sure it is as broad as possible (remember multidimensional) 

In the following you can ask yourself certain questions: 


  • Is my job rewarding? 

  • Does it reflect my values? 

  • Do I have the opportunity for advancement?


  • Do I earn enough and live within my means? 

  • Do I save enough? 

  • Am I planning for financial freedom?


  • Am I generally fit and well? 

  • Do I eat healthily? 

  • Do I exercise regularly?

Friends and Family

  • Do I have/want a close circle of friends? 

  • Do I spend enough time with family and friends? 

  • Do I value the relationship we have with each other?

Personal growth 

  • Am I continually learning new things? 

  • Do I enjoy new opportunities for growth? 

  • Are the things I do growing me as a person?

Fun and Recreation 

  • Do I have fun often? 

  • Do I know how to relax? 

  • Do I enjoy sports or have hobbies?

Score your answers from a 1-10 and mark it in your wheel. Assessing it and making it visual is going to signal your brain that there are changes to be made.

Remember here as well: start with one step. Define one area that you would like to dive deeper into right now. Really, start with just one. You will be surprised at how much all other areas can get affected as well just by focusing on one. 

To dive deeper, start asking some of these questions: 

  • Have you ever been higher or lower than the number you have just assessed?

  • What happened then and why did you score another number? 

  • On what number would you like to be? 

  • What exactly do you want? Be specific!

  • What are your actions to level up? 

  • How will it feel like to level up? 

  • What do you need to level up? 

  • What other options do you have? 

I would be more than happy to be able to guide you through the process, as every change can get messy. It always is extremely helpful to have someone cheering you on and holding you accountable.

Happiness is the key

happiness is the key

Happiness is the one thing that every single one of us desires at the end of every single day. It might seem a simple task but it actually requires a lot of commitment to achieve a state of happiness. Life happens and we get distracted very quickly. We also are longing for instant gratification since we’re in a fast-moving society. 

Picture happiness as an onion. Our true happiness is lying in the core and is covered by so many layers. We need to discern them first in order to peel them off (more about happiness in a future post) 

Self-awareness requires a commitment to set up routines and dedication in willing to dig deeper. Once having set up a daily assessment you can go deeper in paining a bigger picture on where you want to be going in life with an exercise such as the wheel of life. I can give you support by holding you accountable and providing you with many tools to get you feeling happy, mindful, in ownership, and continuously evolving. No matter which path you’re choosing, I’m rooting and cheering you on for your biggest self-awareness journey!



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