The 3 Reasons You Need to Get Your Body Moving

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You might be used to go to the gym, to group workout courses and then find yourself in a lock down where your routine needs some adjustments. Because yes, that is all that is needed: adjustment of your routine. Moving our body is essential for survival and the benefits go way deeper than having your juicy body ready for that bikini (ok, this is indeed a BIG benefit). Even if that might seem a main objective, you’ll be surprised and confirmed that movement returns the favor in so many ways. You don’t even want to sit on that old couch watching some lame TV-show for the 100th time. Here are some great benefits of why you need to SHAKE IT OFF.

First off: 

We are all born to move and in no way should movement ever feel like a burden

1. To improve your self-esteem

Talking about getting your body in shape for your bikini: There is a deeper meaning behind just wanting to look good. 

Moving our body with a goal in mind improves our self-esteem. Seeing RESULTS boosts it even more. What often happens when we are working out is that we are mindful of our body on doing the right movement, getting the right amount of weight/endurance to get the wanted result.

The official definition of self-esteem is: CONFIDENCE in one's own worth or abilities; SELF-RESPECT

By being confident in your abilities you are showing yourself some respect and love. This is going to cause a chain reaction. Respecting and loving yourself is going to show others your value.

Body and Mind work together and one can not thrive without the other (read more about it here) And we all desire to be valued.  If you have ever worked really hard to get in shape and getting lots of compliments and admiration for it, then you know exactly what is means, right?

If you don’t know how and where to start: it all starts with setting up a routine and a commitment to yourself. You can get some support with this Ritual Toolkit which is going to get you started setting up that routine.

2. To increase your energy 

Movement doesn’t only increase the physical energy but also the mental energy (remember, everything is connected). 

What happens on a mental level is getting the result of self-esteem as already explained above.

On a physical level, a lot of things are happening. Through moving, you activate your lymphatic system which is here to STRENGTHEN the immune system (here are some examples). This system, as we all know, is responsible for keeping us HEALTHY and STRONG. The lymphatic system transports toxins out of our bodies. Having blockages is going to result in pain and illness. Hence, why you want to make sure to move your entire body to get it moving to flush all the unneeded excess.

By sweating during movement and workout, we also flush out toxins in a very quick way. What sweat does, is to get rid of the acids that are accumulated in us through stress, negative thoughts, unhealthy lifestyle in general. Many people claim that they need their heavy workout to balance them out. This applies if you indeed have a very stressful life and need to get to way more drastic hard sweating workout. Our body is always aiming for the perfect homeostasis and is designed to regulate itself. It is sending signals to our mind to make us execute whatever needed to get that balance. 

increase your energy

3. To boost your memory

We all are grateful to remember birthdays or what we wrote on the grocery list that is still lying on the kitchen table, while we’re in the supermarket. 

We can exercise out memory especially through dancing or unusual movements. Learning choreographies and new steps are going to make you want to memorize as quickly as possible (especially if you’re in a group and only have a limited time). This enhances not only our memory for the steps but also the memory for so many other necessary facts to remember. Dancing has so many more benefits which you can read here.

This Toolkit includes one commitment to dancing, so make sure to start that practice now. Before you say, you have 2 left feet: EVERYONE can dance! Quiet your ego which is concerned with how others are going to perceive or judge you. This is YOUR BODY and NOT A COMPETITION. It is supposed to be FUN and get you moving. 

Good to know 

We are born to move. Ask yourself how you can improve your daily routine by implementing more movement.

It can be as simple as taking the steps instead of the elevator. Or getting off the bus one stop earlier. Our ancestors did not work out as we did. They also didn’t sit in front of the computer as much as we do. Our today’s main postures like sitting on a chair in front of a computer, lying on the couch watching movies, binge-watching the latest episodes of your favorite sitcom, are far from what our body has been designed to do. Our ancestors went hunting, they prepared/caught/collected their own food. They danced around the fire to keep bad spirits away, you get the point. Don’t over-complicate and make your life simple. If you need some kick-off support you can start by implementing your own rituals including moving your body in this Toolkit.

Increasing your energy, boosting your memory and improving your self-esteem is something that can easily be built into your daily routine. Getting results such as being more CONFIDENT, having a HEALTHY BODY and having FUN while doing it does not have to feel like a burden. Keep it simple, you’ll thank yourself later. To get some support, start implementing a personal Ritual routine here. I’m so looking forward to getting to know about your results!



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